ZEV Related Policies:
The Ministry of Transportation and its affiliated entities have committed to emission reduction targets with the following NDC projects:
- Electric Mobility: Incorporation of 600,000 electric vehicles by 2030.
- Cargo Fleet Modernization Program: Aimed at N3 cargo vehicles over 20 years old.
- La Dorada – Chiriguaná – Santa Marta Freight Train: Strengthening freight transport by train from and to the center of the country, Santander, and Antioquia, connecting the port of Santa Marta.
- Cargo Transport by the Magdalena River: Aims to reduce the distance of compatible cargo transport with the river mode in the road sector, contributing to transport intermodality.
- Performance-Based Navigation – Aerocivil: Reduction of fuel consumption during takeoff, landing, and cruising through more efficient navigation systems, reducing flight time.
- Active Transport and Demand Management NAMA – TanDem: This initiative aims to increase walking and cycling trips, seeking to raise the national bicycle modal share by 5.5%.
- Transport-Oriented Development NAMA – TOD Planning: This initiative focuses on urban management and mobility to improve people’s access to goods and services offered by the city. It promotes active mobility, facilitates access to public transportation, and reduces the need for citizen travel.
Minister Carmargo Triana:
“El Gobierno de Colombia, desde su Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, tiene entre sus objetivos lograr la transición energética, con la descarbonización del sector transporte y la disminución de la dependencia de combustibles fósiles. Tenemos el compromiso de reducir en un 51% las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del país hacia el 2030, alcanzar carbono neutralidad hacia el 2050 y reducir las emisiones de carbono negro en un 40% respecto a 2014.
En ese sentido, avanzamos con la realización de proyectos en movilidad eléctrica, en el Programa de Modernización del Parque Automotor de Carga, fortalecemos el transporte de carga por tren desde y hacia el centro del país, teniendo en cuenta la intermodalidad del transporte, así como la promoción de la movilidad activa, facilitando el acceso al transporte público y reduciendo la necesidad de viajes de los ciudadanos.”
“The Government of Colombia, through its National Development Plan, has among its objectives to achieve the energy transition, with the decarbonisation of the transport sector and the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels. We are committed to reducing the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030, achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and reducing black carbon emissions by 40% compared to 2014.
In this regard, we are moving forward with the implementation of electric mobility projects, in the Freight Vehicle Fleet Modernisation Programme, we are strengthening freight transport by train to and from the centre of the country, taking into account the intermodality of transport, as well as promoting active mobility, facilitating access to public transport and reducing the need for citizens to travel.”