As the ZEV Declaration nears its third anniversary of adoption, the number of signatories who have signed this ambitious pledge, that all sales of new cars and vans must be zero emission by 2040, has grown to well over 200. Representing a range of countries, businesses, and organizations, these signatories are leading the charge to a cleaner global vehicle fleet.
Governments, including national, subnational, and local jurisdictions, now make up 50% of all ZEV Declaration signatories. As illustrated by the map, the ZEV Declaration has received pledges from locations on six continents, spanning from Vancouver, Canada, to New Zealand.
This truly global reach clearly articulates the power local and national governments have on setting the agenda for a faster transition to zero emission vehicles. Financial incentives, rulemaking, and regulations are just some of the many tools policymakers are using to accelerate the ZEV transition, thus working to tackle air pollution, reduce oil dependency, and deliver new jobs.
Expanding the pledge
This map, however, also provides us with a visual representation of where we can do more. As a global ZEV community, we need to answer the tough questions. How do we support an equitable adoption of zero-emission vehicles, not only at a national level, but for individual consumers as well? The answer is collaboration, among countries and cities, manufacturers and investors, and among initiatives and partnerships, just like A2Z. The Coalition offers implementation support for signatories to develop and deploy ambitious zero-emission transportation policies, and it showcases examples of leadership and best practices from within the community to support widespread adoption.
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